Local Economic Development


Create stronger communities with a Local Economic Development certificate
A lot of strategic planning goes into a community for the local economy to thrive. Our communities need trained professionals to help them become as sustainable as possible for many years to come. The Chang School Certificate in Local Economic Development will give you the business administration, public administration, development, project management, airport development, real estate, and marketing skills you need to become an in-demand local economic development professional in the field.
Our Local Economic Development certificate includes four economic development courses and can be completed online, allowing you to accelerate your local economic development career quickly. Our instructors are all highly experienced professionals in the field who use an advanced experiential learning approach and recent case studies to help you learn about the real-world municipality issues you’ll face in this industry – and how to tackle them successfully. We’re also proud to offer a capstone course that allows you to work closely with your instructor to choose a municipal issue you’re passionate about and research and present your solutions to the municipality itself.
As a graduate of this certificate, you may apply your courses towards the educational requirements of the Certified Economic Developer (EcD) certification. Ec.D. is Canada’s nationally recognized designation for economic developers, and Ec.D. holders are highly sought after in the field of LED. Each course represents 5 points towards your Ec.D. designation.
Communities need more passionate advocates like you. Jumpstart your local economic development career and enjoy the job satisfaction of working to improve community well-being, every day.
Who should take this Local Economic Development certificate?
  • You’re a business improvement area (BIA) manager who works in collaboration with municipalities
  • You’re an economic development professional in the public or private sector
  • You want to strengthen your existing local economic development career or pivot into a local economic development career
  • You work in government, real estate, community agencies, or a municipality and would like to improve your education, skills, and career opportunities.

Admission Criteria:


  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
  • With 6 Grade 12 U or M credits (including English)
  • With a minimum average of 60 percent  OR
  • An undergraduate degree  OR
  • A college diploma  OR
  • Mature student status with combination of relevant work and life experience
Certificate Requirements:
  • 4 required courses
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) 1.67+
To graduate, you must successfully complete, within your official time span, the requirements from the year you registered in the program.

Required Courses

  • CPLE 795 Local Economic Development Fundamentals
  • CPLE 995 Ecn Development and Business Improvement
  • CVUP 155 LED Applied Research Project
  • CVUP 160 Capstone Project in LED
Career Options
This certificate can prepare you for jobs like:
  • BIA professional
  • Business development director
  • Community development and innovation director
  • Economic development analyst
  • Economic development and planning manager
  • Economic development and tourism director
  • Policy advisor for federal, provincial, or municipal government
  • Program administrator
  • Social enterprise consultant
  • Tourism manager

Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.


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