Economics: Theory and Applications


Take your economics knowledge to the next level with an Economics: Theory and Applications certificate.

When you’re ready to tackle more advanced economics concepts, The Chang School is here for you. Our unique Certificate in Economics: Theory and Applications builds on your economics fundamentals to help you understand more complex economic theory.
This kind of economics education is highly sought after in the job market these days. Businesses, government departments, and non-profit organizations all have a multitude of roles for trained economics professionals.
The Economics: Theory and Applications certificate will teach you how to apply mathematical and statistical tools to a wide variety of economic and business problems. There are also many electives to choose from, allowing you to curate your education to your interest area or future career path. (Want to enter graduate studies in economics or a related field? This certificate is the perfect place to start.)
Our certificate is set up to get you into the field and working as soon as possible: you can finish the coursework in less than a year. Plus, the Economics: Theory and Applications courses can be completed online, with in-person exams, so you can manage your coursework in between work and other obligations.
Ready to gain an advanced understanding of economics and a competitive edge in the job market? Let’s start now.
Who should take this Economics: Theory and Applications certificate?
  • You already possess a basic foundation in economics or finished the Certificate in Economics: Fundamentals and want to build a more advanced set of knowledge and skills
  • You want to focus on economic theory and quantitative methods for deeper analysis of a variety of topics, including labour economics, environmental economics, or public sector economics
  • You’re a university graduate with a degree in another field who wants to enter graduate studies in economics or a related field
Admission Requirements:
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
-With 6 Grade 12 U credits (including English or Mathematics)
-Or With M credits  OR
  • Mature student status  AND
  • The following course or equivalent:  CECN 189 - Mathematics for Economics I
If you are an undergraduate student, you should be aware of possible certificate restrictions. Check Curriculum Advising for complete details.
Certificate Requirements
  • 1 required courses
  • 3 electives*
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 1.67+
*You must take 3 selections from the Electives (that you haven’t already taken as Required Courses).
To graduate, you must successfully complete, within your official time span, the requirements from the year you registered in the program.
Required Courses (select 1)
CECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
CECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
Electives (select 3 not previously taken in Required Courses)
CECN 230 Mathematics for Economics II
CECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
CECN 501 Industrial Organization
CECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
CECN 510 Environmental Economics
CECN 600 Intermediate Macroeconomics II
CECN 601 Economics of Information
CECN 605 Labour Economics
CECN 606 International Monetary Economics
CECN 614 An Introduction to Game Theory
CECN 627 Econometrics I
CECN 700 Intermediate Microeconomics II
CECN 702 Econometrics II
CECN 703 Public Sector Economics
CECN 707 Economics of International Trade I
CECN 715 Advanced Microeconomics
CECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
CECN 808 Economic Growth and Technological Change
CECN 815 Advanced Macroeconomics

Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.


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