Business Decision Analysis


Help businesses make smarter decisions with a Business Decision Analysis certificate
Businesses now have another way to get a competitive edge: data. More and more companies are hiring data analysts to use the power of data to help them identify opportunities and solve their business issues. The Chang School is proud to offer a Certificate in Business Decision Analysis to give you the knowledge you need to join the fast-growing business analysis industry.
You can tailor the Business Decision Analysis certificate to your schedule, and complete the business analyst courses on your own time. Excited to enter the field as soon as possible? You can complete this program in just a year and a half, and do classes online or in-person, whichever works best with your personal learning style.
Our business analyst courses have been designed by seasoned analysts active in the field, ensuring that all classes provide the most up-to-date business analyst training, complete with real-world data sets and current business issues. Not only will you learn how to identify the most pressing issues for organizations, but you’ll master the must-have skills to inform critical business decisions, from data analytics and quality management to business optimization and forecasting techniques.
Soon, you’ll know how to harness all that business analysis training to support smarter, better business decisions – and start applying for jobs in this booming market, or boost the career you already have. So, are you ready to start your business analyst journey?
Who should take this Business Decision Analysis certificate?
  • You work in a sector – like health, finance, or retail – or job function – such as supply chain management – in which data analytics increasingly drives business outcomes and you want a better understanding to excel in your role or be promoted
  • You want to add valuable skills in business analysis to your current professional practice
  • You’re a recent graduate looking to increase your competitiveness in the job market by complementing your degree with business analysis skills
Admission Criteria:
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
-With 6 Grade 12 U or M credits (including Mathematics) OR
  • Mature student status with relevant professional experience in business
If you are an undergraduate student, you should be aware of possible certificate restrictions. Check Curriculum Advising for complete details.
Certificate Requirements:
  • 1 required course
  • 4 electives
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 1.67+
Supplies to be purchased by the student:
A calculator with specialized statistical features is integral to many Quantitative Methods courses. Software and calculator specifications will be announced at the first class.

To graduate, you must successfully complete, within your official time span, the requirements from the year you registered in the program.
Required Courses
  • CQMS 210 Applied Statistics for Business
Electives (select 4)
  • CGMS 422 Quality Management
  • CIND 123 Data Analytics: Basic Methods
  • CITM 501 Prescriptive Analytics and Simulation
  • CQMS 442 Multiple Regression for Business
  • CQMS 521 Business Optimization
  • CQMS 703 Business Forecasting Techniques
NOTE: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.


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