Privacy by Design


As ubiquitous computing and data analytics proliferate, privacy, trust, and innovation are becoming essential. This course will provide a deep-dive into Privacy by Design, an internationally recognized framework for proactively embedding privacy into the design of information technologies and business practices to gain a competitive advantage. The need to reject zero-sum (win/lose) models will be explained, in favour of adopting doubly-enabling (win/win) positive-sum paradigms.
What is Privacy by Design?

Privacy by Design: The Global Framework explores the challenges inherent in delivering the benefits of digital technologies in tandem with the need to process personal information and protect privacy.
High profile breaches, surveillance initiatives and government secrecy give the impression that privacy and control over one’s personal information are an after-thought, and that privacy measures are introduced only to correct a negative incident, after the fact. Dr. Cavoukian’s Privacy by Design approach counters popular misconceptions that privacy is an obstacle to the efficient and timely delivery of technological services, offering a framework that enables the delivery of both.

Note: Check with the institution regarding start/ end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to the program, section, and/or semester.


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