Pharmacology Theory and Lab


The goal of this course is to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to administer medications accurately and safely in community settings. The student will be introduced to the principles of pharmacology including the role medications play in restoring or maintaining health. An examination of federal and provincial legislation will provide the student with an understanding of his/her role as a member of the care team. The basics of pharmacology, the rationale behind the use of drugs, and the mechanisms of medication actions within the human body will be explored. Given the ever expanding and changing nature of pharmaceuticals, the graduate of this course will need to continuously update his/her knowledge in order to remain current with medications and their actions and reactions in the body. Effective communication is essential in order for health care professionals and allied care providers to understand each other during the performance of their roles and responsibilities. All members of the team require a working knowledge of the various terms in pharmacology to ensure client safety in the prescribing, preparing, administering, and documenting of medications. At the beginning of each unit the student will be expected to research the definitions of key terms. While the text utilizes the term, “allied health professional”, the term “allied care provider” has been applied in the Course Outline to reflect the role of the developmental services worker and/or education assistant in community settings. As well, in recognition of the individuals for whom care and services are provided in the community, the term “patient” has been replaced with “client”.
Note: Check with the institution regarding start/end dates, prices, and delivery method. These may vary according to program, section, and/or semester.

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  • Institution: Northern College
  • Level: College
  • Language: English
  • Course Code: AA3004
  • Delivery Method: Fully Online/Distance

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